import argparse import json import logging import os from datetime import datetime from logging import info, error, debug from pathlib import Path from urllib.request import urlopen, Request logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s :: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) # (formatName, fileExtension) FORMATS: dict['str', 'str'] = { 'markdown': 'md', 'plaintext': 'txt', 'pdf': 'pdf', 'html': 'html' } LEVELS = [ 'pages', 'chapters', 'books' ] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='BookStack exporter') parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', type=str, default='.', help='Path where exported files will be placed.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--token-file', type=str, default=f'.{os.path.sep}token.txt', help='File containing authorization token in format TOKEN_ID:TOKEN_SECRET') parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', type=str, default='https://localhost', help='Your domain with protocol prefix, example:') parser.add_argument('-f', '--formats', type=str, default='md', help=f'Coma separated list of formats to use for export.' f' Available ones: {",".join([f for f in FORMATS.keys()])}') parser.add_argument('-l', '--level', type=str, default='pages', help=f'Coma separated list of levels at which should be export performed. ' f'Available levels: {LEVELS}') args = parser.parse_args() formats = args.formats.split(',') for frmt in formats: if frmt not in FORMATS.keys(): error("Unknown format name (NOT file extension), " "check api docs for current version of your BookStack") exit(1) API_PREFIX: str = f"{}/api" FS_PATH: str = args.path.removesuffix(os.path.sep) LEVEL_CHOICE: list[str] = args.level.split(',') for lvl in LEVEL_CHOICE: if lvl not in LEVELS: error(f"Level {lvl} is not supported, can be only one of {LEVELS}") exit(1) with open(args.token_file, 'r') as f: TOKEN: str = f.readline().removesuffix('\n') HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Authorization': f"Token {TOKEN}"} class Node: def __init__(self, name: str, parent: ['Node', None], node_id: int): self.__name: str = name self.__parent: ['Node', None] = parent self.__node_id = node_id def get_name(self) -> str: return self.__name def get_parent(self) -> ['Node', None]: return self.__parent def set_parent(self, parent: 'Node'): self.__parent = parent def get_path(self) -> str: if self.__parent is None: return "." return self.__parent.get_path() + os.path.sep + self.__parent.get_name() def get_id(self) -> int: return self.__node_id shelves: dict[int, Node] = {} books: dict[int, Node] = {} chapters: dict[int, Node] = {} pages: dict[int, Node] = {} pages_not_in_chapter: dict[int, Node] = {} def make_dir(path: str): path_obj = Path(path) if path_obj.exists(): return info(f"Creating dir {path}") path_obj.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) def api_get_bytes(path: str) -> bytes: request: Request = Request(f'{API_PREFIX}/{path}', headers=HEADERS) with urlopen(request) as response: response = response if response.status == 403: error("403 Forbidden, check your token!") exit(response.status) return def api_get_dict(path: str) -> dict: return json.loads(api_get_bytes(path).decode()) def check_if_update_needed(file: str, remote_last_edit: datetime) -> bool: local_last_edit: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file)) debug(f"Local file creation timestamp: {} {local_last_edit.time()}, " f"remote edit timestamp: {} {remote_last_edit.time()}") return local_last_edit.timestamp() < remote_last_edit.timestamp() def export(files: list[Node], level: str): for file in files: make_dir(f"{FS_PATH}{os.path.sep}{file.get_path()}") file_info: dict = api_get_dict(f'{level}/{file.get_id()}') last_edit_time: datetime = datetime.strptime(file_info['updated_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') for frmt in formats: path: str = f"{FS_PATH}{os.path.sep}{file.get_path()}{os.path.sep}{file.get_name()}.{FORMATS[frmt]}" debug(f"Checking for update for file {path}") if not check_if_update_needed(path, last_edit_time): debug("Already updated") continue data: bytes = api_get_bytes(f'{level}/{file.get_id()}/export/{frmt}') with open(path, 'wb') as f: info(f"Saving {path}") f.write(data) info("Getting info about Shelves and their Books") for shelf_data in api_get_dict('shelves').get('data'): shelf = Node(shelf_data.get('name'), None, shelf_data.get('id')) shelves[shelf.get_id()] = shelf shelf_details = api_get_dict(f'shelves/{shelf.get_id()}') if shelf_details.get('books') is None: continue for book_data in shelf_details.get('books'): book = Node(book_data.get('name'), shelf, book_data.get('id')) books[book.get_id()] = book info("Getting info about Books not belonging to any shelf") for book_data in api_get_dict('books').get('data'): if book_data.get('id') in books.keys(): continue book = Node(book_data.get('name'), None, book_data.get('id')) info(f"Book \"{book.get_name()} has no shelf assigned.\"") books[book.get_id()] = book info("Getting info about Chapters") for chapter_data in api_get_dict('chapters').get('data'): chapter = Node(chapter_data.get('name'), books.get(chapter_data.get('book_id')), chapter_data.get('id')) chapters[chapter.get_id()] = chapter info("Getting info about Pages") for page_data in api_get_dict('pages').get('data'): parent_id = page_data.get('chapter_id') if parent_id not in chapters.keys(): parent_id = page_data.get('book_id') info(f"Page \"{page_data.get('name')}\" is not in any chapter, " f"using Book \"{books.get(parent_id).get_name()}\" as a parent.") page = Node(page_data.get('name'), books.get(parent_id), page_data.get('id')) pages[page.get_id()] = page pages_not_in_chapter[page.get_id()] = page continue page = Node(page_data.get('name'), chapters.get(parent_id), page_data.get('id')) pages[page.get_id()] = page files: list[Node] = [] export_pages_not_in_chapter: bool = False for lvl in LEVEL_CHOICE: if lvl == 'pages': files = pages.values() elif lvl == 'chapters': files = chapters.values() export_pages_not_in_chapter = True elif lvl == 'books': files = books.values() export(files, lvl) if export_pages_not_in_chapter: info("Exporting pages that are not in chapter...") export(pages_not_in_chapter.values(), 'pages')