2023-11-30 21:15:21 +01:00

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# Containers-Workspace
Various useful and useless Dockerfiles, often experimental and work in progress
## system-toolbox
Fedora based container wih preinstalled many usefull tools for various debug and problem searching purposes
run help-toolbox to show what can you do in there
Typical container run options that allows for host data access:
podman run --rm -it --privileged \
--network host --pid host --ipc host --no-hosts --ulimit host \
--userns host \
--name toolbox toolbox
## cloud-toolbox
Sounds huge, but it is just set of tools for cloud-based stuff,
like openstack-cli, rclone, openshift cli, etc...
Also contains `fzf` and bash-completion. Mount your bash_history for
best experience.
podman run --rm -it \
-v "$HOME/.bash_history:/root/.bash_history" \
--security-opt label:disable \
## gui-container
gui-container is an experiment for apps with GUI
how to run with default, permissive options:
podman run --privileged -it \
-e XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/runtime_dir \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
-v $HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:ro \
-v "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:/runtime_dir:rw" \
--entrypoint bash \
--name "gui_container" \
Minimal permissions example (for wayland). Mounting just the display server socket, there will be no sound or anything else:
podman run -it --security-opt label:disable \
-e XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/runtime_dir\
-v "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/wayland-0:/runtime_dir/wayland-0:rw" \
--entrypoint bash --name "gui_container" \
starting dbus:
export $(dbus-launch)
allowing podman to connect to X display as "non-network local connections"
xhost +"local:podman@"
unsetting `WAYLAD_DISPLAY` or `DISPLAY` can force apps to use the other one
# or
to mage Qt-based apps work:
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
## rathole
Compiled from source [rathole]( image.
## snowflake
Compiled from source [torproject snowflake]( image.
## Tor relay/bridge node
# prepare
cd tor/;
podman build -t tornode .;
chmod 777 ./data ./logs;
# run (network host for easy port bind on ipv6)
podman run -d --read-only --network host \
-v "/home/user/torrc.conf:/torrc:rw,Z" \
-v "/home/user/tor/logs:/var/log:Z,rw" \
-v "/home/user/tor/data:/var/lib/tor:Z,rw" \
--name tornode tornode:latest
# prepare systemd service for reboot persistence
podman generate systemd --new --name tornode > /etc/systemd/system/tornode.service;
restorecon -v /etc/systemd/system/tornode.service;
systemctl daemon-reload;
systemctl enable --now tornode.service;
# view nyx dashboard
podman exec -it tornode nyx
## Wireguard
Simple container that will setup wireguard interface according to
`/data/wg0.conf` and then replace process with pid 1 to `sleep infinity`.
MASQUERADE required for accessing external networks is done by nftables, so
it should work with nftables kernel modules, iptables-only modules can
be missing.
Before seting up the wg interface, entrypoint will execute files in
`/setup.d/` if any.
`PostUp` and `PostDown` in network interface config should look like this:
PostUp = nft add table inet filter; nft add chain inet filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0 \; }; nft add rule inet filter forward iifname "%i" accept; nft add rule inet filter forward oifname "%i" accept; nft add table inet nat; nft add chain inet nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 \; }; nft insert rule inet nat postrouting tcp flags syn / syn,rst counter tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu; nft add rule inet nat postrouting oifname "eth*" masquerade
PostDown = nft delete table inet filter; nft delete table inet nat;
The `nft insert rule inet nat postrouting tcp flags syn / syn,rst counter tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu` is optional, but recommended if on client side there are virtual networks from which discovering the MTU of whole path can be difficult.
Example run (requires root and privileged for nftables setup)
podman run --privileged --name wireguard -d \
-v './config:/data:ro' \
-v './setup:/setup.d:ro' \
## zabbix-agent
Very simple alpine-based zabbix-agent image providing additioanl deps
required for SMART monitoring.
Setting up such contenerized agent in systemd based system:
podman run --restart no \
--network host --pid host --ipc host --no-hosts --ulimit host --userns host \
--privileged \
-v "/path/to/custom/config.conf:/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent2.conf:ro" \
-v "/sys:/sys:ro" \
-v "/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro" \
-v "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket:/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket:rw" \
--name zabbix-agent \
-d localhost/zabbix-agent;
podman generate systemd --new --name zabbix-agent > /etc/systemd/system/zabbix-agent.service;
restorecon -v /etc/systemd/system/zabbix-agent.service;
systemctl daemon-reload;
systemctl enable --now zabbix-agent.service;
## gitea-runner
An image for running double-container setup - one with podman system service,
and the other with gitea act_runner which will use podman service as
docker runner.
Example uses root, but it should be very similar to setup under non-root user.
Build image (will compile from main branch)
podman build --no-cache -t gitea-runner \
Create dirs for runner config, and for podman socket shared between containers.
mkdir -p /root/act-runner/{runner,podman}
Generate example config
podman run --rm -it gitea-runner:latest generate-config > /root/act-runner/runner/config.yaml
Update registration file path in config and privileged mode.
sed -i 's`file: .runner`file: /etc/runner/registration.json`g' /root/act-runner/runner/config.yaml;
sed -i 's`privileged: false`privileged: true`g' /root/act-runner/runner/config.yaml;
sed -i 's`docker_host: ""`docker_host: "-"`g' /root/act-runner/runner/config.yaml;
Currently you **need** to set `docker_host: "-"` in "container" section
to make this setup with mounted docker.sock work.
Fix perms on those dirs:
podman run --rm -it \
-v /root/act-runner/:/data:z,rw \
--privileged \
--entrypoint bash \
-u root \
gitea-runner:latest \
-c "chown -R podman /data"
Register runner.
example value for labels can be `ubuntu-latest:docker://`.
podman run --rm -it \
-v /root/act-runner/runner/:/etc/runner:z,rw \
--privileged \
gitea-runner:latest \
--config /etc/runner/config.yaml register
Start container acting as podman/docker (use `--init` to get rid of zombies):
podman run --rm -d --privileged --name gitea-podman \
--init \
--entrypoint podman \
-v /root/act-runner/podman:/podman:z,rw \
gitea-runner:latest \
system service --time=0 unix:///podman/docker.sock
Now start container with runner
podman run --rm -d --name gitea-runner \
-v /root/act-runner/runner/:/etc/runner:rw,Z \
-v /root/act-runner/podman:/podman:rw,z \
gitea-runner:latest \
daemon -c /etc/runner/config.yaml
Now generate systemd services for these containers
podman generate systemd --new --name gitea-podman > /etc/systemd/system/gitea-podman.service;
podman generate systemd --new --name gitea-runner > /etc/systemd/system/gitea-runner.service;
restorecon -v /etc/systemd/system/gitea-podman.service;
restorecon -v /etc/systemd/system/gitea-runner.service;
systemctl daemon-reload;
systemctl enable --now gitea-podman.service;
systemctl enable --now gitea-runner.service;